Thursday, May 3, 2007

Today, we are playing the GRE Game. Today was Angry to make up for Yesterday.

Which of the following is the best example of "Irony"?
A) The man in charge of 16 Billion Dollars of U.S. Aid, much of which is being spent on Aids prevention through ABSTINENCE ONLY programs, is caught ordering hookers.

B) A.G. breaks multiple Laws, obstructs justice.

C) Support our Troops Congress forgets to check conditions at Troop Hospital, Large Fungal Colonies grow on the walls of Walter Reed
(Editors note: I find it completely infuriating that no one is talking about this anymore. How is it not still a big deal? Support the god damn troops, or stop saying it on all your press conferences. Those are your options)

D) Rice leads press charge accusing Nancy Pelosi of being a traitor for visiting Syria. Promptly Visits Syria, and speaks with Iranian representatives.

E1) Man masterminds a war that effectively destroys America's world standing. Is immediately put in charge of the World bank
E2) Come into world bank on anti corruption platform, transfers girlfriend to new job, gives her 60K in raises and guarantees her good reviews regardless of performance.

Others receiving votes. Not specific, as much as Ironic based on circumstance, both past and present: Dana Perino:
"Perino went on to claim that no one at the White House has ever 'played the patriotism card' against the Democrats in the Iraq debate."

George W. Bush, in 2000, swears to uphold the law.

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